1831 posts
Amber West of the Banding Team reports (FEB 7)
Hi all,
After not being able to band due to the Crest House not being open on Wednesday, we had a busy day today.
We newly banded only two Rosy-Finches, both interior Gray-crowned. We did recapture 30 Rosy-Finches from this winter season. There were 13 Blacks, 4 Brown-capped, and 13 Gray-crowned (11 interiors and 2 Hepburn's). We also recaptured 2 Blacks from the 2009/2010 winter season, as well as one Black from the 2014/2015 season that we had not seen before this year. Multiple flocks came in today, which makes determining total numbers difficult, but the largest flock was around 75 birds. We are still seeing multiple Hepburn's in the flocks. At this point, almost all the Rosy-Finches we are seeing are banded. As well, the green-banded Brown-capped was spotted but not recaptured.
Overall, weather was clear and warm. The road and the parking lot are both clear, but the snow on the path up to the Crest House is mostly icy or slushy depending on the time of day so be careful walking.
-Amber West