FPL at eagle nest site

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FPL at eagle nest site

I drove by the nest site today around 11am and saw FPL out there taking pictures and writing something down.  I stopped and asked them if the Eagles were back and the FPL woman said it would be some time before they would come back.  Does anyone know anything about why FPL would be there?
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Re: FPL at eagle nest site

There's a report back in the forum about FPLs involvement with the nest woods. We have been talking to them about tree trimming, wire protection and other dangers for the eagles. They have been great
about working to make it safer for the eagles and notifying us if any actual work is to occur. Thanks for looking out for our special eagles! (There is routine maintenance and trimming that happens in 3 yr cycles so that may be what she was recording.)
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Re: FPL at eagle nest site

As Trisha also mentioned in her report, FPL is planning to make additional changes to some of the poles, to better protect the eagles. A concern is that, as the dead melaleucas fall down, there will be fewer roosting places and the eagles may begin using the power poles.

Trisha's report may be viewed at this link. As she points out, tree trimming is carried out on a three year cycle, with the next round planned for May, 2011-- perhaps a bit too early, if the eagles are still nesting then. FPL is aware that they should carry out the pruning after the nesting season.