February 1, Hatch day 17: Male chases away vultures

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February 1, Hatch day 17: Male chases away vultures

Today (Wednesday, February 1) is the 17th day after the first eaglet hatched.

We found the female sitting quietly on the nest when we arrived shortly after 9:15 AM this morning. Phil had gotten there a few minutes before us. The male was not in sight. Turkey Vultures were circling around the nest, probably attracted by the smell of decaying prey. Suddenly, the male appeared overhead, as if out of nowhere. He attacked one of the vultures, which veered defensively away. They did not appear to make contact, but they came very close and the vulture flew away very quickly. The male circled a few times, then disappeared to the west.

Both Phil and I missed capturing the dramatic encounter-- I could not focus on the sparring birds-- later I realized that the lens was set on macro because I had photographed a butterfly the last time I used it. We thought he was gone, but he somehow found his way unto the nest only afbout four minutes later! He rested on the left side of the nest while the female tore at a prey item that looked like a white bird.

The male flew up to roost in the pine to the east of the nest.

She continued feeding the chick(s). Phil and I took many photos but never caught sight of an eaglet. They should be popping their heads up any minute now!