Female Eagle's Leg - Injured? Latest Ken blog

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Female Eagle's Leg - Injured? Latest Ken blog

KellyHeffernan Proj Perch
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Re: Female Eagle's Leg - Injured? Latest Ken blog

All these photos are in my FLICKR photostream: https://www.flickr.com/photos/rosyfinch/

I guess it is a New Jersey thing. We said mild winter weather was shirt-sleeve weather (versus wearing a coat).

I checked Merriam-Webster.com and found this definition (my emphasis):

shirtsleeve adjective \-ˌslēvz\\-ˌslēvd\
: not wearing a coat or jacket

: warm enough so that you do not need a coat or jacket

: informal and direct

The Free Dictionary:

shirt·sleeve  (shûrtslv)

2. shirtsleeves The state of wearing no coat, jacket, or other outer garment over one's shirt: dined in shirtsleeves; balmy weather that had them down to their shirtsleeves

I think I was not supposed to use the hyphen