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Friday, April 16, 2010

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Friday, April 16, 2010

Jay and Mar
8 posts
Jay & I arrived at 10:15 to find only 2 chicks in the nest.  About 10 minutes later one of the
parents arrived with a food drop and stayed in the nest for a few bites before flying
to the favored pine tree, east of the nest, to clean his beak and preen.
We think it was the same parent that we spotted flying over the Maleluka trees on the
west side of 27 about a mile north of Griffin road on our way down from Plantation today.
We saw one sitting in the Malelukas a few days ago, just north of Griffin west of 27 also.
We left the nest area after about 30 minutes
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Re: Friday, April 16, 2010

Carolyn J
51 posts
Thanks for the update. Hadn't heard anything since Wed.