We observed the local Bald Eagle nest for about an hour this morning. When we arrived a bit before 8:30 AM, we found the female roosting in the Australian Pine just east of the nest. She was facing the nest, not facing to the east as the male had done.

After about 5 minutes she flew over to the cow pasture to the NW and came back with some grass in her talons, which she deposited in the nest.

Remaining on the nest for only a couple of minutes, she then flew over to roost on one of the dead Melaleucas to the west of the nest.

She preened for a while.

When we departed a little after 9:30 AM she was still roosting.

The male was nowhere in sight and there were no vocalizations. Although we kept constant watch on the nest, we never saw an eaglet. The weather was overcast and slightly breezy, with the temperature around 80 degrees (F). This is the longest period of time I have seen the nest left unguarded when the eaglets were so young. The first-hatched is about 19 days old today.