Friday, March 28 -- more helicoptering, no branching

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Friday, March 28 -- more helicoptering, no branching

I checked on the eaglets at about 9:00 AM and found both to be active. The male parent (Pride) was standing watch from the favorite branch near the top of the nest tree.

Bald Eagle male 3-20140328

Both eaglets are as large or even bigger than their parents. They are about the same size, suggesting that both are females. The older eaglet (Honor) will be 11 weeks old on March 29. She was sitting low and her younger nestmate (Glory). Both now show quite a bit of white on their breasts, but Glory's markings are still more extensive.

Bald Eaglets Honor and Glory 20140328

They kept looking up at their Dad.

Bald Eaglets Honor and Glory watch parent  20140328

Glory jumped and hovered ("helicoptered") several times.

Bald Eaglet helicoptering 11 weeks old 20140328

Bald Eaglet helicoptering 11 weeks old 2-20140328

Neither climbed out on the branches.
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Re: Friday, March 28 -- more helicoptering, no branching

Emily and I stopped by Saturday around 3.  

One eagle was sitting high while the other hunkered down.  We waited a half hour for both to be up and about.  The low in the next one finally got up and immediately started helicoptering.    Neither parent in sight.    Emily hasn't downloaded her pix yet, but silly her, she didn't have her battery charged, so it died just as the helicoptering started.  

Most disturbing was when we walked over the median, I saw a minivan parked in the pull off area where we cannot park and saw no one.    Then I saw a man and two young boys coming up from the fence (closest to the Australian Pines) - I wish I had my phone to snap a photo of them.  I'm pretty sure they may have been on the other side of the fence.    They walked up the path, got in their car and left.