Here comes breakfast, 9:30 AM Monday Feb 13

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Here comes breakfast, 9:30 AM Monday Feb 13

This distant Bald Eagle was flying directly from the large lake in Sunset Lakes subdivision to the Pembroke Pines nest. It was carrying the bloody body of a long-legged wader, probably a White Ibis. We were in the water conservation area SE of the nest, between SW 196th and 208th Avenues, about a half mile away, and I could not get a very good image.

Because of paving work in front of our home, we are unable to get out to check on the eagles today and possibly tomorrow morning as well. If anyone gets a good look at the eaglet, and especially if they spot a second baby, please let us all know.

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Re: Here comes breakfast, 9:30 AM Monday Feb 13

Passed by nest at approximately 10:30 am and saw no eagles were present.I did see one eaglet head sitting tall in the nest looking around, assume he was waiting for his parents return.Obseved for about 15 minutes and only one eaglet appeared.