Hope Returns!

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Hope Returns!

Kelly Smith
Moments after Brian and Gretta Mealey left the nest site, Hope made an appearance.  She flew around the nest tree, landing precariously on a top branch.  She perched there for awhile, during which time an adult delivered a large fish to the nest and then flew off.  Hope appeared to want to make it to the nest, however she left the tree and flew off to the south west, seemed to be circling around, but disappeared from view and was not spotted again.  I left soon after, relieved to know that she seems fine and is able to fly at least to the tops of the trees.  Know we will see how long it takes her to gain the skills necessary to land back in the nest!
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Re: Hope Returns!

that is great news!!! I just had a feeling that she was around!!  I am glad that she is ok, wish I had been there to see it.  What time was it?

live your life don't watch it go by . . .
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Re: Hope Returns!

Andrew Macfarlane
In reply to this post by Kelly Smith
Thanks for posting this.  I went by for a while today.  She'll figure it out pretty soon.
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Re: Hope Returns!

lisa baumbach readon
In reply to this post by Kelly Smith

We are truly all living through an unforgettable moment in our lives- this will be a great story for your students _ one they will never forget!
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Re: Hope Returns!

In reply to this post by Kelly Smith
That is really great news. Thanks for the update. Here is a photo of the 10:45am feeding.

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Re: Hope Returns!

In reply to this post by lisa baumbach readon
What a relief to know that Hope is safe.
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Re: Hope Returns!

In reply to this post by Fisherman
Wonderful image, Fisherman! That white bird (possibly a Cattle Egret)
was still hanging on the right side of the nest, appearing quite intact,
when we were looking for the lost chick at around 2:30 PM. Maybe little
Justice just was not able to eat for two, as the adults kept bringing in
food as if the older chick were still on the nest.

Ken Schneider
Miramar, Florida & North Aurora, Illinois

Web site: http://www.rosyfinch.com
Eagle Nest: http://www.rosyfinch.com/BaldEagleNest.html
Blog: http://blog.rosyfinch.com
Photos: http://flickr.com/photos/rosyfinch 

"Openness to the natural world and our response to it lie at the core of what we do and why we do it." (Fr. Tom Pincelli)

Fisherman (via Nabble) wrote:

> That is really great news. Thanks for the update. Here is a photo of
> the 10:45am feeding.
> Jim
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