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JAN 13 & 14: Male incubating deep in nest; immature sighted in Miramar

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JAN 13 & 14: Male incubating deep in nest; immature sighted in Miramar

1831 posts
We visited the nest around 1:15 PM on January 13 and watched for 30 minutes. Pride was deep in the nest, obviously incubating. He did not change position or get up at all.

Likewise, we performed welfare checks at 8:00 AM and 10:15 AM on January 14. Again, Pride was deep in the nest and never got up during 15 minute observations each visit. We did not see his mate during any of the three visits.

While sitting on my patio (in western Miramar about 2 miles SE of nest) on January 13 I saw an immature Bald Eagle flying very high among the vultures. It appears to be a late first year or early second year bird, as it seemed to have some molting of flight feathers. It may well have been Spirit, from the Pembroke Pines nest but there is no way to be sure.