JAN 15: 6:45 Photo of 2 adults at nest?

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JAN 15: 6:45 Photo of 2 adults at nest?

Phil Martin wrote (JAN 15):

Hi Ken,
I was at the nest at approximately 06:45 and Observed Pride perched above the nest.  It appears to be another adult in the nest.  She does not look like the Juvi we have been seeing as I do not see the 2 tone coloration on the beak.  I took several photos and could not get a clear pic due to the very low light.

The image is a bit soft. The one in the nest could be "Newfee" as she looks quite large and has a big head. The lighting conditions may have masked the dark areas on her head, and in some of my views her beak looks almost all yellow even in good light. No way to be sure though, except to keep watching.  Ken
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Re: JAN 15: 6:45 Photo of 2 adults at nest?

Phil added:

Thanks Ken. I also took about 10 seconds of video and couldn't tell from that either. I have noticed. The new fe is very skiddish and when she sees someone she quickly departs the area.

That happened to me yesterday and two days before. The first time I got a shot of both in the nest, but yesterday I was just opening the car door when she flew off. Ken

Yesterday as soon as I walked to the spot on the median she bolted out of the nest. Pride followed. She circled the area and both ended up in the dead tree. I kept my distance, got a couple quick pics and left. This morning I was surprised hen both stayed I. The nest while I was there.

She may not have been raised in a nest that was subject to this much disturbance. Reason to use some stealth and hope she gets used to all the normal activity along the road. Ken