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JAN 15: Adult deep in nest still incubating?

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JAN 15: Adult deep in nest still incubating?

1831 posts
We visited the nest this morning and watched from about 9:10 to 9:40 in intermittent light rain. An adult was deep in the nest and usually not visible at all. No other adult was observed. S/he raised her head a bit a couple of times. Does not appear to be "tenting" as we would expect if an egg has hatched. Both adults were photographed two days ago looking into the nest. From that photo (on Facebook) it was not clear whether this represented the parents peering at a new eaglet or perhaps only an exchange of incubation duties. No prey or carrying of food was evident, and the episode was not further described, especially what happened before and afterward.

From today's observation I would conclude either that the first egg has not yet hatched or if it had the parent was sitting unusually low because of the inclement weather. The high nest rim makes it difficult to reach a firm conclusion. Please watch the nest and report behavior as Sunday JAN 17 will be the 35th day after the female finally settled down and appeared to start incubation.