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JAN 23: Nest undamaged after this morning's storm. When will first egg hatch?

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JAN 23: Nest undamaged after this morning's storm. When will first egg hatch?

1831 posts
Performing welfare check on nest after very severe storm early this morning. Nest is intact with one adult (which I believe but am not certain is female Jewel) incubating deep in nest.

She stayed low the entire time but did change position and look down into the nest and appeared to be moving something. None of my images provided any evidence of feeding herself or an eaglet.

It was still very windy with heavy clouds and new storm approaching at 9:15. There was light rain and increasing gusts at 9:38. Nest tree was swaying wildly. The wind let up a bit and it stopped raining by the time we departed at around 9:45 AM

Review of reported ground observations indicates that incubation began with the onset of the female's continuous deep position in the nest between January 1 and 4. Before that and up to the end of December both adults were seen leaving the nest unattended for various periods of time. This never happened after the eggs were deposited during previous breeding seasons, but of course anything may be possible.

Since the incubation period is 5 weeks (35 days), we might expect the first egg to hatch any day on or after February 5-8th. However, please be alert to the possibility that it may indeed be earlier.