JAN 23: Two adults flying SSE from nest area at 7:41 and 7:43 AM

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JAN 23: Two adults flying SSE from nest area at 7:41 and 7:43 AM

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At 7:41 AM an adult Bald Eagle flew over, followed 2 minutes later by a second adult. Both were following a course to the SSE, on a direct line from the Pembroke Pines nest to the large lake at Sunset Lakes. It seems odd that both would leave the nest if there are eaglets or unhatched eggs, as the temperature is a cool 62 degrees with a brisk wind form the NW.

At 8:30 Phil messaged me to say there were no adults at the nest. Shots not very good as they were some distance away.

First eagle at 7:41 AM

Second eagle at 7:43 AM

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Re: JAN 23: Two adults flying SSE from nest area at 7:41 and 7:43 AM

I tell you , these two will be the death of us ! They have been so inconsistent with a normal nesting pattern , so very confusing . :(