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JAN 28: Eagles interacting and mating

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JAN 28: Eagles interacting and mating

1831 posts
This post was updated on Jan 29, 2015; 4:45pm.
The male Bald Eagle "Pride" appears to be bonding well with a new mate, a very large early 5th year female (just turned 4 years old). I arrived at the nest at about 9:40 AM and found Liza was there. She had been watching for some time but had not seen any eagles. After about 20 minutes the female flew in from the west to the nest area. She was carrying a good sized fish that looked like a shad.

She circled with it and ended up roosting on top of  a Melaleuca snag to the west of the nest and proceeded to eat the fish.

About 10 minutes later (10:20 AM) the male flew in from the SW carrying a small fish.

He roosted on an adjacent snag slightly above the female. Both kept eating until the female finished, at about 10:26 AM.

The male flew off briefly and returned.

Then the male flew down and they copulated for about 1 minute 10 seconds.

It appeared to have been a successful mating, as witnessed by Liza on the previous day, and unlike some the brief attempts that had previously occurred. The male then flew back up to roost briefly before flying off at 10:31 AM. The female remained on the roost until the male came flying back carrying a stick, and at about 10:50 AM the female joined him. Both circled high over the nest area, but the male disappeared to the south. When I departed at about 11:00 AM the female had disappeared high and to the south.

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Re: JAN 28: Eagles interacting and mating

Maria Rosa Drake
98 posts

These are wonderful pictures!