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JULY 5: Streetlight repair and tree trimming near Pines eagle nest

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JULY 5: Streetlight repair and tree trimming near Pines eagle nest

1831 posts
This post was updated on Jul 05, 2019; 4:08pm.
For everyone's information, I received this notice from Shawnlei. As usual, we can be sure that FPL will avoid any unnecessary disturbance to the nest.

Hi Ken!

FPL contacted me to give a heads up that they need to do some work on a streetlight by BO002 and they also plan to trim some of the Australian Pines that have the potential to disrupt line service. They were waiting to do the work until the end of the nesting season. I confirmed with them that the eaglets have fledged. I just wanted to give you a heads up in case you see their trucks in that area working.


Shawnlei Breeding
Audubon EagleWatch Program Manager

Audubon Center for Birds of Prey
1101 Audubon Way
Maitland, FL 32751