JUN 22 & 23: Adult and juvenile fly over wetlands to SE of nest
1831 posts
This post was updated on Jul 06, 2018; 6:42pm.
Just after sunrise, at 6:33 AM, an adult Bald Eagle flew to the SE over the Harbour Lakes mitigation area about 1 1/2 miles SE of the Pembroke Pines nest. Then, at 7:27 AM a juvenile flew over, following the same track. The second bird was in its first year, as evidenced by overall dark color except for under-wings and "armpits." broad wings with bulging secondaries not yet showing signs of molt, dark eyes and dark bill with yellow gape. Note the yellow bill and eyes of the adult and the difference in the juvenile's wing width and shape as compared to adult, which has more slender wings with secondary feathers (the flight feathers nearer the body) extending in line with the inner primary feathers.
ADDENDUM: On June 23 an adult flew over the same spot just after sunrise, at 6:40 AM. The juvenile then followed the same track at &:20 AM.