1831 posts
Adult Bald Eagles appeared over west Miramar close to sunrise the next three days after the juvenile was sighted there. All followed a course SE from the nest area to Sunset Lakes subdivision.
JULY 19, an adult at 6:36 AM, four minutes before sunrise:

JULY 20: Two adults appeared. Sunrise was a 6:41 AM. One minute later the adult male circled in the distance over the west lake in the west Miramar wetlands, extended his talons and dove down out of sight towards the west. Note the ragged wing edges which lately seem typical of the male, who either has some feather wear and/or is molting He was 0.48 miles away (per Google Earth), so the photos are highly cropped and of poor quality:

Only four minutes later, at 6:46 AM, the female appeared from the north and continued south, almost directly over my head. I believe it was a different eagle and the female because of her heavy body, deep gape, and the better condition of her flight feathers..

To top it off, an adult flew over on JULY 21 at 6:37 AM, four minutes before sunrise. I was in a bad position and was unable to get the camera on it before it disappeared behind the trees.