Late Tues. night at the nest

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Late Tues. night at the nest

After Jill and Caroln left a young boy and his Mom came up. As Kelly and I were telling them that the birds weren't there the boy asked, isn't that big bird in the tree an eagle? We told him it was just the grackles but in the little light left we spotted a large shape in the tall pine to the left of the nest...the favorite perch of the adults. When I checked with the binoculars it was one of the offspring! It was strange...almost like a changing of the guard as the "kid" looked out over the area just like the adult had in the past.

This was the second of the siblings that snuck in on us as the other bird began flying circles around the woods over the nest. It took about 3 tries for it to get in the nest as its sibling watched from the pine calling very loudly.

The young eagle in the pine was being attacked by 3 grackles, just as the adults were lately when perching there. Unlike the adults, the kid held his ground and after a while the grackles flew off and gave up. I'm sure it was the white on her chest was very visible with the setting sun shining on it. She was still sitting there as I drove off in darkness. I took lots of pictures and hope some came out and maybe I can get them on here to share.

The only other noteworthy event was when some VERY loud motorcycles came roaring by from the west making loud, almost popping sounds. Hope was quite upset and turned sideways towards the sound and let out the loudest, sharpest calls I have ever heard an eagle make. The sound pierced the night air and were audible over the roar of the motorcycles. She settled back down as soon as they passed. I thought for sure she would fly between the grackle attack and the loud noise but she remained on the branch. I wondered if she stayed there for the night or went to the nest? Justin had also flapped up to a higher branch over the nest just before we left. Maybe the nest is just too stinky for sleep?

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Re: Late Tues. night at the nest

Jill W
You're welcome, Trisha ;-)  I guess Carolyn and I leaving did the trick to get the eaglets back to the nest area.

Oh, I see just above the box I'm typing in, there are some things listed.  Starting from the left, there are Quote Original and then Insert Image.  You need to click on the Insert Image and then browse your computer for the image you want to share.

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Re: Late Tues. night at the nest

Carolyn J
In reply to this post by Trisha
Glad to hear that you saw the kids come home for the night; wish I could've stayed just a little bit longer...