MAR 12: Female at nest with eaglet; note beak markings
1831 posts
This post was updated on Mar 13, 2018; 8:00pm.
We arrived at the nest about 9:25 AM and the nest looked empty. Phil had been there for about a half hour and also saw no evidence it was occupied. He said the eaglet was active on March 10th, stretching her wings. He also noted that there was still natal down under the "wrist" of her wing and that the flight feathers had not totally emerged. No branching or helicoptering noted to date. We were concerned that the nest was empty and the eaglet was not able to fly. Suddenly the female (Jewel) flew in from behind and the eaglet popped her head up. She did not bring prey or feed the eaglet, though we both have noted that the eaglet appeared to be able to pick at and eat food alone during the past week. After a few minutes the eaglet settled back out of sight and female remained on the nest.
A close look at Jewel's beak showed some new markings. Perhaps it is just soiled but it might be slightly distorted. Light and shadows may be causing this impression.