MARCH 10, 1:30 PM nest is empty

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MARCH 10, 1:30 PM nest is empty

We visited for about a half hour and watched the nest carefully. there was no sign of an occupant. Same was true on March 8th around 10:00 AM. No adults in sight. Phil Martin goes by and checks quite often, as does Liza, but neither have reported the female on the nest except for this past Thursday, March 5th.

Please post any sightings and watch the nest closely for at least 20 minutes before concluding it is not occupied.
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Re: MARCH 10, 1:30 PM nest is empty

One was on the nest March 10, 4:00pm. Looked like Pride. He kept looking down into the nest and putting his head down in it. I thought maybe he was eating something but he never brought anything up to see. He was more to the west side toward the back. He then looked out a few times as if he were looking for the female. Never saw her, was there only maybe 10 minutes.