I arrived at the nest at about 9:00 AM this morning and the eaglet was standing in front of the tree trunk. It stood so still that at first I thought I was seeing some kind of a shadow. After about 15 minutes she moved to the left rim of the nest an once again was perfectly still. When Pride arrived with some prey item she continued to be immobile for about 5 minutes while Pride tore at the prey. Then she suddenly came to life and started calling and begging.

Pride fed her for about another 15 minutes:

Pride then moved to the branch to the right and once again the eaglet simply sat quietly. No flapping or helicoptering, but this has already been observed and we need to keep an eye on the nest to determin when the eaglet takes its first flight. It may disappear for a few days but we should try to check on its welfare as this is a dangerous time in its life cycle.
I should mention that I have seen both adults flying from the nest area towards Sunset Lakes just after sunrise, yesterday and the day before.