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March 5, 2017

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March 5, 2017

Lil Gillar
5 posts
We were at the nest around 10:30 AM on 3-5-17. Jewel was on an upper branch then hopped onto the nest. This was taken around 10:48 AM. No feeding was seen at this time.

Jewel and both eaglets.
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Re: March 5, 2017

11 posts
Awesome picture 

Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 5, 2017, at 2:41 PM, Lil Gillar [via Bald Eagles of Broward County, Florida] <[hidden email]> wrote:

We were at the nest around 10:30 AM on 3-5-17. Jewel was on an upper branch then hopped onto the nest. This was taken around 10:48 AM. No feeding was seen at this time.

Jewel and both eaglets.

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Re: March 5, 2017

Lil Gillar
5 posts
Thank you :) It was so windy, which was good and bad. Good because the branches moved out of the way, bad, had to hold onto the camera :)

On Sun, Mar 5, 2017 at 3:19 PM, Marc [via Bald Eagles of Broward County, Florida] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Awesome picture 

Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 5, 2017, at 2:41 PM, Lil Gillar [via Bald Eagles of Broward County, Florida] <[hidden email]> wrote:

We were at the nest around 10:30 AM on 3-5-17. Jewel was on an upper branch then hopped onto the nest. This was taken around 10:48 AM. No feeding was seen at this time.

Jewel and both eaglets.

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Re: March 5, 2017

11 posts
Do you stand in the center of the street in the grass to take the picture?

Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 5, 2017, at 4:10 PM, Lil Gillar [via Bald Eagles of Broward County, Florida] <[hidden email]> wrote:

Thank you :) It was so windy, which was good and bad. Good because the branches moved out of the way, bad, had to hold onto the camera :)

On Sun, Mar 5, 2017 at 3:19 PM, Marc [via Bald Eagles of Broward County, Florida] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Awesome picture 

Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 5, 2017, at 2:41 PM, Lil Gillar [via Bald Eagles of Broward County, Florida] <[hidden email]> wrote:

We were at the nest around 10:30 AM on 3-5-17. Jewel was on an upper branch then hopped onto the nest. This was taken around 10:48 AM. No feeding was seen at this time.

Jewel and both eaglets.

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Re: March 5, 2017

1831 posts
In reply to this post by Lil Gillar
Excellent photo, Lil!

I will not be able to visit the nest for a few days and hope everyone keeps an eye on whether there may be a third eaglet. I now am thinking that if there is a third we should have seen it by now.

On March 4th I also saw two eaglets being fed. Also, an Osprey flew in and made passes over the female (Jewel) who was roosting atop a pine far down to the east near 208th Avenue. They called and screamed at each other but Jewel remained perched as the Osprey swooped down several times before disappearing to the south.

In a past season I saw an Osprey follow Pride right to the nest area. Pride was carrying a fish which I must presume he "stole" from the Osprey. Rather that lead the Osprey to the nest, he continued on with the Osprey in pursuit, but returned a few minutes with the fish but not the Osprey. I copied this image link from my Facebook page, the first time I have tried this.

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Re: March 5, 2017

Lil Gillar
5 posts
Thank you Ken. Oh wow, so you think maybe a third eaglet? Hope to catch the whole family there next time.

Marc, I stood at edge of street using a Tamron 150-600 lens, open to 600 then I cropped the picture. I hand held it for that picture :)

On Sun, Mar 5, 2017 at 5:47 PM, NewMexiKen [via Bald Eagles of Broward County, Florida] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Excellent photo, Lil!

I will not be able to visit the nest for a few days and hope everyone keeps an eye on whether there may be a third eaglet. I now am thinking that if there is a third we should have seen it by now.

On March 4th I also saw two eaglets being fed. Also, an Osprey flew in and made passes over the female (Jewel) who was roosting atop a pine far down to the east near 208th Avenue. They called and screamed at each other but Jewel remained perched as the Osprey swooped down several times before disappearing to the south.

In a past season I saw an Osprey follow Pride right to the nest area. Pride was carrying a fish which I must presume he "stole" from the Osprey. Rather that lead the Osprey to the nest, he continued on with the Osprey in pursuit, but returned a few minutes with the fish but not the Osprey. I copied this image link from my Facebook page, the first time I have tried this.

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Re: March 5, 2017

Lisa G
158 posts
In reply to this post by Lil Gillar
Great Pictures :)

I hope everyone is following the rules and not standing anywhere near the barricades everyone should only be in the Medium of the road . We have been getting lots of pictures being sent to us of people not follow the laws . Please everyone obey the laws no one should be standing on the side of the road the nest is on .
I am not saying anyone on here is doing anything wrong . Just letting you know :)

We will have our naming contest for both eaglets Next week on Pride & Jewel Facebook page

UPDATE !!!!    We are pleased to announce that we are now South Florida Pines Eagle Nest , Inc. a 501 C (3)  as of November 18, 2015 Public Charity Status 170 (b) (1) (A) (vi)  Employer Identification Number : 4-3116409 DLN: 26053716001635  . Donors can deduct contributions they make to us under IRC section 501 (c) (3)  If you have Donated in the last 27 months your Donation  is Tax Deductible ..

Thank you!! If anyone has questions please feel free send an email to ag2761@comcast.net