I stopped by the nest a little after 4:00 PM today and stayed for nearly an hour.
One of the adults was sitting just above the nest when I first set up my camera and it stayed there for around 20 minutes. It was constantly surveying the area and looking down into the nest. I could just barley make out the top of the eaglets head from time to time. The adult then dropped down into the nest and began tearing off and eating what appeared to be part of a fish that was near the front edge of the nest. As soon as the adult started eating the eaglet popped up and was fed by the adult. The adult continued to feed and feed the eaglet for nearly half an hour and then flew off the nest. The eaglet looked around in all directions and called a bit. Just as I was packing my gear into the car to leave...works everytime doesn't it Ken?, an adult flew in from the West and landed in one of the pines.
These are some of the shots I got.
David Hall