285 posts
Upon arrival....no adults on the nest or eaglet seen. Found 1 adult in maleleucas and watched it preen and call off and on for 15 mins. I had never seen it raise its beak straight up in the air and call (coyote style)...making a different pitched sound than I previously heard.
After about 15 mins it took off from the snag and flew east...I hurried to the nest thinking it landed there but nest still looked empty. After a few mins it flew in from the east, the eaglet popped up and was fed. This eaglet then moved all the way over to the left nest and the adult appeared to tear up a food item far down in the nest and perhaps feed it to another eaglet that was never visible? The original eaglet remained apart from the activity....but watched.
Shortly, the other adult flew in and landed in a branch just above the nest right and sat watching for a few minutes before it flew off to the west. After about 10 mins the adult stopped its low nest activity and stood on the right side, facing east. The eaglet, which has really grown since my first sighting...took exactly the same position on the left nest....very cute....growing up! Took lots of pics and hope find time to get them edited soon...