Monday, January 23 -- Parents exchange brooding duties

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Monday, January 23 -- Parents exchange brooding duties

I stopped by the nest at around 9:30 this morning, between appointments. I did not have my camera but wished I did. The male was roosting on the horizontal limb about 15-20 feet above the nest. The female was high in the nest and appeared to be feeding one or more chicks, though I did not see them. After about 10 minutes she suddenly looked up at the male and started calling loudly. She kept this up for about 2-3 minutes, as the male got more and more restless. She then flew off the nest and immediately roosted in the customary limb on the second tall Australian Pine along the road east of the nest. The male immediately flew out towards the road and to the west, making a tight circle back east, then landed on the nest. The male settled down immediately and all was quiet for the next 10 minutes or so, until I departed.