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NOV 17: Very few reports of eagles at nest since NOV 9

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NOV 17: Very few reports of eagles at nest since NOV 9

1831 posts
We have made several spot-checks of the nest over the past 10 days and have failed to see the eagle. On Saturday, NOV 7 and again on Sunday NOV 8 we watched from about 7:00 AM to 7:45 AM. On Saturday NOV 7 we returned and watched from about 9:15 to 10:15 AM.

On Saturday, NOV 14 we arrived at about 7:15 AM and Luis was already there. He had been watching since before sunrise (for 30-45 minutes) and did see one adult on the dead tree to the east of the nest. It flew and landed briefly in the large pine to the east of the nest-- not on the usual roosting branch but deeper in the tree.   It called for a bit, leading Luis to assume there may be another eagle in the area, but neither heard nor saw a second one. After resting briefly, it flew to the nest but only remained for "a few seconds" before flying off to the SE.

On Sunday, NOV 15 we watched briefly, from about 7:15 to 7:30 but there were no birds present. Luis had not seen any, either.

Maria Rosa texted me this morning to report that she had not seen any eagles since her last report, which was a single adult on the nest on the morning of NOV 9th. She passes by the nest early most mornings and is able to check the nest.

We hope that the pair will start spending more time on and near the nest. In the past there was usually quite a bit of activity especially during the 2 weeks before the eggs were laid in mid-December. Might the pair have started tending a second nest? They have been known to spend some time in the only other nearby Melaleuca grove, which is located at SW 208th Avenue and Pembroke Road, south of the waste recycling center. It is difficult to access this area, as the trucks line up on Pembroke Road and utilize the narrow roadway where it dead-ends, about a half mile east of US-27.

There have been few reports from observers, so lets all keep an eye out-- even make brief spot checks if you do not have much time to spend at the nest site. Negative reports will also be useful to get an idea of the extent of our coverage of events at the nest.
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Re: NOV 17: Very few reports of eagles at nest since NOV 9

1831 posts
The nest was looking good on NOV 14th:

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Re: NOV 17: Very few reports of eagles at nest since NOV 9

78 posts
In reply to this post by NewMexiKen
I've been visiting the nest everyday ,. 10am . 1Pm and 4 till the Sun starts going down. No sign of them as I mentioned to you yesterday :(
Again today and I also drove up and down 196th , Pembroke Rd and along the back side of the development behind the park . Not even Juvi's that I would spot once and awhile . Not sure what's going on and I surely hope they have not started a new nest elsewhere . It's great to know they were spotted early  this morning . Hopefully they'll start hanging out more within the area  . I'll keep my eyes peeled .