NOV 19: Jewel deep in nest

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NOV 19: Jewel deep in nest

I arrived at the nest at about 9:10 AM this morning and found two other watchers who had been there before me. They related that the male (Pride) had been roosting on the right nest support branch for 45 minutes, and that the female (Jewel) rearranged some sticks but then settled deep in the nest and remained there for about 30 minutes. I watched for about 25 minutes longer and nothing had changed. Only the top of jewel's head was visible most of the time-- this was my best shot of her. Hopefully she is getting "broody" and may start laying eggs within the nest several days. She bears close watching-- if she stays on  the nest permanently this will be an indication that the first egg has been laid. Our experience has been that this has not occurred before the first or second week in December.