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Nest Visit 4/29/16

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Nest Visit 4/29/16

2 posts
I live in north Georgia, about 10 minutes from the Berry College eagles nest, which is now in its 4th season (www.berry.edu/eaglecam).  My husband and I are traveling in Florida and I googled eagles nests in south Florida and found this site.  Thanks to your gracious admin Ken I was able to find the nest today and took some photos.  We were there around noon.  There was one parent and one visible eaglet.  The photos aren't the best.  The long pine needles gave it an air of mystery and beauty, but made it virtually impossible to get a clear shot :).  I hope you are successful in getting your cam.  Having a glimpse into their world is a phenomenal experience.  Meanwhile, please join us at Berry as we watch our fourth set of eaglets grow.  We think they are about two weeks from fledging.


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Re: Nest Visit 4/29/16

1831 posts
Thanks, Gail. Given the age and size of the eaglets I am surprised that the second was not visible. I hope other watchers will provide images as evidence of its continued presence.

The Berry College Eagle Cam site is very informative and could serve as a model for the educational benefits it can offer. It is inspiring to see that private companies have contributed material support. I assume that the ongoing costs of broadband and maintenance are still rather substantial.

Here is an active link to the nest, in which a single eaglet appears to be nearly ready to fledge:


Here is an excerpt from the Information page:


Berry is excited to provide live video feeds of the bald eagle nest. Georgia Power once again donated the use of a truck and manpower this year to install two new cameras, camera 1 and camera 2, both with sound. One of these cameras was donated by Axis Communications Inc.  Both nest cameras are Axis model Q1765-LE.  

Although these cameras are high definition, in order to stream video content across the web there will be some reduction in resolution. We monitor the cameras and streaming account closely and will make adjustments to enhance your experience quickly and to the extent that we can. The approach camera, a third camera. is situated on a pole across from the nest tree. It is a Pelco camera and is new for the 2015-16 season...

- See more at: http://www.berry.edu/eaglecam/nestcam/#sthash.z0r1fgLT.dpuf
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Re: Nest Visit 4/29/16

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Yes, we have been very fortunate to have some corporate support, and Berry College has ben very gracious to fund the nest.  When you get to that point, I would encourage you to contact Berry's office of Public Relations and get them to put you in touch with someone who can guide you.  I know they were on UStream at first and switched to Livestream due to cost.

We have a fledge as off yesterday!  B6, the eaglet born on Valentines Day, fledged at about 11:00 yesterday morning (May 10th).  B7, who is 18 hours younger, was caught in an updraft on Sunday and hovered above the nest tree for a few seconds, but we aren't counting that an official fledge since it didn't leave the tree.

I will be anxious to see your eaglets grow!  Thank you for allowing me to be part of it.