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Nest watch, Monday 21 Dec. 09, 12:10 PM

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Nest watch, Monday 21 Dec. 09, 12:10 PM

Jill W
222 posts
When I arrived, an adult was standing on the nest and I was not able to determine if it was eating or rearranging sticks.  This went on for about 3 minutes and then the eagle went down into the nest.  Now and then I could see the top of its head.  I returned to my car and attempted to view the nest with the scope through the open car window.  I was finally able to focus on the nest at 12:38 and to my surprise, both adults were standing side by side on the nest.  They looked down into the nest for a few seconds and then one flew away to the east.  As soon as the other was alone on the nest, it began eating and continued to eat for over 10 minutes (obviously, the one that flew in brought lunch) then it stopped and hunkered down into the nest.  About 5 minutes later, the eagle that had flown away returned to the nest.  The incubating one stood up and they just looked at each other for a few minutes and then one flew away to the west.  I believe that is the one Trisha was describing in her observation.
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Re: Nest watch, Monday 21 Dec. 09, 12:10 PM

Carolyn J
4 posts
Nice to hear that you're back in nest/eagle action, Jill! Thanks for the update.