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Nest watch, Thur, 7 Jan 2010

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Nest watch, Thur, 7 Jan 2010

285 posts
Eagle wise....a very quiet day. Arrived at 11:45 and found 1 adult down very low on the nest and the other in the maleleucas. They remained this way for my stay of 1.5 hrs. They called back and forth several times but no movement. The lighting was poor, but I did not see the brown tip on the tail feather of the perched eagle....so I assume that it was the female.

A yellow truck from the State Dept of Transportation arrived with 2 very nice guys in it who came over and asked me what I was looking at. I explained and they said they were by to begin cleaning out the large drains in the swale area covered by metal grates. They said that is their duty and no one else in this area has this job. They felt the large truck and often needed back hoe might be disruptive now at this critical time so they said they would continue working in other locations and return there no sooner than June. They were somewhat surprised they had not been informed about the nest, but pleased to have found out and delayed the work. Ken, if you feel that follow-up is necessary, you have the DOT contacts. These guys were very interested in the eagles, fisherman, naturalists and assured me that they would make sure that no disturbance would occur until after nesting season.
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Re: Nest watch, Thur, 7 Jan 2010

1831 posts
I forwarded Trisha's note to David Bogardus of FDOT, with copies to members of Pembroke Pines Bald Eagle Sanctuary Steering Committee.

Kudos to FDOT personnel-- with this cold snap it could have especially endangered the eagles, as they are now incubating their egg(s).

It was fortunate that there was an eagle watcher present at the time of their arrival

Thanks for the report, Trisha!

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Re: Nest watch, Thur, 7 Jan 2010

Jill W
222 posts
In reply to this post by Trisha
We are all so lucky that you were there when FDOT showed up, Trisha!  Usually when I go to watch, there is nobody else there, and I don't go every day.
Thanks for your report and for being there at the "right" time.
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Re: Nest watch, Thur, 7 Jan 2010

46 posts
In reply to this post by Trisha
Yea Trisha! Like a goalie in the net with a save.