Im sorry Laura, I should have mentioned that. this is the lake in reference. i live in the park on the north side of the lake so im very fortunate to be able to see the birds from my front door. its truly a blessing.
Re: Possible Bald Eagle Nest NW of Oakes Rd & 441 in Davie
16 posts
sep 8th 4:30 just spoted the eagles adding to the nest #BO004. near oaks rd. and 441. haven't seen them for at least six days. im so glad their back and looking well.
Re: Possible Bald Eagle Nest NW of Oakes Rd & 441 in Davie
16 posts
when i map the area it looks like the point of the tower that their building there nest on is pointing south east. more so to the south then the east but its the same nest that they have used for the past two years. they are just adding to it. after the workers had come and gone, the eagles started to build on the north west point of the tower but then they just stoped. it was as if the workers disturbed the nest and the eagles were going to abandon the first one and start a second one but they just stoped and left the tower for a while. im just so happy to see them back again. they are amazing and majestic.
Re: New Bald Eagle Nest NW of Oakes Rd & 441 in Davie
10 posts
Hello all. I saw one of the Eagles sitting on the tower a few weeks ago. I tried to snap a photo but the Eagle took off. I did manage to get a few of those photos from my phone.