New Electronic Nest Data Collection Forms Now Available

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New Electronic Nest Data Collection Forms Now Available


Thanks to Victor de la Uz, we now have an Adobe Acrobat fillable data entry form for use in the Silver Trail Middle Student nest watch project.  Links to the documents are on the top of this FORUM  and also on the main Eagle Nest Watch page.

I hope that all non-student nest watchers, whether you are a veteran or a newcomer, will participate in this student project. The greater the number of observations, the more significant the findings will be. Let's all encourage the students as they learn to apply the scientific method.

1. Print out several copies of this Eagle Nest Observational Checklist (PDF), to record your observations in the field.
2. Then, either bring your copy to Ms Kelly Smith, or return to the computer screen and enter the data into the appropriate fields
3. When finished, you may either print out a hard copy, or e-mail the form to Ms Smith directly, simply by selecting the envelope at the top of Adobe Reader-- or, "Attach to E-Mail" from the "File" menu. It is not possible to save the completed form to disk, so if you want to keep a record, be sure to make a printout as well.

In the event you do not have Adobe Reader, you may FILL OUT THIS FORM, which is in Microsoft Word format. SAVE AND E-MAIL the file to Ms. Smith as an attachment.

Thank you, Victor!!!
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Re: New Electronic Nest Data Collection Forms Now Available


I tried to send my observations from this morning to Ms Smith. I used the PDF form and entered the data. It worked just fine... Then I tried to e-mail it directly and got warning that only the form, and not the data, would be included in the e-mail.

I do not know if it was a problem with my Adobe Reader (Version 9.2.0)-- it did NOT have the envelope icon for e-mailing-- I had to use the "File" menu and select "Send as E-Mail Attachment."

Since I have a PDF printer installed, I simply printed it in PDF and saved to disk, then e-mailed the file to Ms Smith as an attachment.

The only other way I could send it would be to print a hard copy and then scan it and e-mail the file, which is a bit cumbersome.

Since the Word version of the file may be saved directly to disk, I suggest that we use that version until we can resolve the problem with the PDF Form.

Will revise instruction as soon as I can get to my desktop this afternoon.

Sorry for the inconvenience.