New photos from Thursday evening, 4-16-09

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New photos from Thursday evening, 4-16-09

Mike Fossler
Around 6:00pm one parent flew into the empty nest (probably with food) and was joined by both eaglets almost immediately afterward. The parent left to the Australian pine out front to the east for a while then flew off to the malalluca trees. Some new photos are posted on my slideshow of parent at Pines, in flight and at the malalluca trees.

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Re: New photos from Thursday evening, 4-16-09

Great photos, Mike.  I never tire of watching shots of our eagles.
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Re: New photos from Thursday evening, 4-16-09

In reply to this post by Mike Fossler
Great shots! In several of the nest there is a large, brownish feather that seems to come from the prey the birds are eating. I am curious what bird that could be's rather long and not white. The only birds I've seen eaten are white. I guess it could be a young ibis before they change color...but they are larger, I think, than the cattle egrets.
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Re: New photos from Thursday evening, 4-16-09

Mike Fossler
Pretty sure it was a dove.