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New photos & update for Thurs 4-10-14

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New photos & update for Thurs 4-10-14

6 posts
I stopped by the nest last night from around 6:30 to 7:45 PM. Both eaglets were in the nest with one of the parents sitting in the tree to the east. That parent then flew off to the west to sit on one of the dead trees. I walked back to the nest and the other parent was in the nest with the eaglets.

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Re: New photos & update for Thurs 4-10-14

1831 posts
Wonderful photos and interesting observations! In past years one of the parents sometimes spent the night in or near the nest for the first couple of weeks until the eaglets found branches for roosting.
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Re: New photos & update for Thurs 4-10-14

6 posts
Thanks Ken. What is interesting is that I was at the nest on Mon night at the same time and no one was on the nest. I only saw one of the parents sitting in the dead tree area. I was very happy that they were there on Thurs night.