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No eagles for 2 days

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No eagles for 2 days

53 posts
I haven't seen any eagles at the nest or near by for the last 2 days coming or going to work. Tue & Wed. Has anyone seen them?
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RE: No eagles for 2 days

27 posts

I was there this morning from 11:30-noon & I saw 1 adult on the far right side of the nest & 1 eaglet on the far left side.  I’m having trouble sending the pictures.  Getting error messages saying they are too large (any advice on fixing that would be appreciated, although the pictures aren’t great because the adult was partially obscured by the limb on the right & the eaglet was just poking his/her head up above the left side of the nest).


Tom Sease

772-999-3476 (home)

954-918-7492 (mobile)


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From: [hidden email]
Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2016 4:30 PM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: No eagles for 2 days


I haven't seen any eagles at the nest or near by for the last 2 days coming or going to work. Tue & Wed. Has anyone seen them?

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RE: No eagles for 2 days

53 posts
Thanks Tom. Good to know they have been seen. I get concerned when I don't see any adults at the nest or near by. I don't know how to get your pics downloaded. Hopefully someone will let you know soon so we can all see them.
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Re: No eagles for 2 days

Maria Rosa Drake
98 posts
In reply to this post by johnnye

I saw an adult eagle Monday morning 6:45am as I drove by on my way to work. It was on the malealuca trees West of the nest and it flew towards the North.

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RE: No eagles for 2 days

27 posts
In reply to this post by johnnye

I’ll try again with just 1 of the pictures.  It’s about 6.5M so it may still be too big.




Sent from Mail for Windows 10


From: [hidden email]
Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2016 6:37 PM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: RE: No eagles for 2 days


Thanks Tom. Good to know they have been seen. I get concerned when I don't see any adults at the nest or near by. I don't know how to get your pics downloaded. Hopefully someone will let you know soon so we can all see them.

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RE: No eagles for 2 days

1831 posts
In reply to this post by tomsease
Hi, Tom-- thanks for your report, and sorry you are having trouble posting your photos.

You probably have tried this, but be sure the photo is a JPG and not a raw file or one copied from an internet album without the jpg extension. Here are the steps--

[Insert Image] tab above->

[CHOOSE FILE] Either select a  jpg file from your drive or, if copied from internet use the "copy photo URL" with .jpg extension ->

RESIZE the photo to screen size -- large will fill the screen. This should handle large jpg images but if you do not resize you will get error message.  ->

Let the image FLOAT or justify to left side of screen  if you have multiple photos ->


Let me know if you still get error message and at which step in the process. Hope this works!

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Re: No eagles for 2 days

70 posts
In reply to this post by johnnye
I was there today (Thurs, April 21) at noon for about 15 -20 minutes.  An adult was perched right above the nest on the right.  An eaglet was clearly visible in the middle of the nest.  Then, on the far left of the nest.  I am not sure if it was the same one, or different ones - but definitely there with 1 parent.

I am about to post my photographs, but they are no where near as good as everybody's.  But, you can definitely see the adult and an eaglet.


p.s.  There were 2 girls there taking photographs.  Both had really good cameras, so I hope that they post their photos.  And, they seemed to know a lot about this nest, and the one in Ft Myers.  :)