I went to the nest around 11:00 am ,. to find Joy on the Melaleuca trees. No sign of Pride . around 11:40 she flew towards the nest where Pride joined her almost immediately with food. I did not see what he brought her but obviously is was a bird as she did quite a bit of plucking . He didn't hang out much as he flew towards the trees on the East side of the nest and stayed there until she finished her food . She then decided to head back to the Melaleuca trees which then Pride decided to join her as well and they hung out and were still there until I left which was around 12:30pm . On a side note, I went early Sunday morning and stayed until around 11:00am and no sign of either on of them. I did return around one to find both again in the Melaleuca trees. Pride flew off every now and then but returned , at one point both flew to the nest and stayed for a short period of time and they both flew back to the West trees again . I left around 4:30 , my husband checked on them again around 6:00 pm and they were still there .
First image of Joy taken at 11:18 ,

Joy flying towards the nest

Pride joining Joy at nest

Joy enjoying her food

Pride over on the East trees

Joy totally satisfied