One adult near nest this morning OCT 29

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One adult near nest this morning OCT 29

One adult was roosting in the large pine to the east of the nest tree at about 9:30 AM. It was panting in the record heat:

Also, in my back yard, I had an Osprey fly over and then dive-- maybe got something small, but also might have been wasted effort. This was the first time I ever caught one in a dive. Missed the splashdown, though, as the action was just too fast!

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Re: One adult near nest this morning OCT 29

Awesome shots Ken. I too have tried to get an Osprey in a dive on our lake....but met no where near your success...good work!
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Re: One adult near nest this morning OCT 29

Jill W
In reply to this post by NewMexiKen
Oh, my!!  What great photos!  Thanks for sharing.

I hope the heat (causing the panting) does not make them to decide to move away.

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Re: One adult near nest this morning OCT 29

The greatest threat to their success in starting a family is undue disturbance. Nest-building time is said to be the most vulnerable stage in the breeding season for abandonment.
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Re: One adult near nest this morning OCT 29

I agree with this 100 percent.
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Re: One adult near nest this morning OCT 29

The Tesoro Eagles were pretty resillent. This is from their history info page.

"Last season, with video cameras in place and a website dedicated to the eagles ready for viewing, Hurricane Wilma snapped the camera tree and damaged the nest tree. Luckily, the eagles had already begun constructing an alternate nest to the north, and they successfully fledged two young in the spring of 2006"