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One adult roosting to west of nest this morning NOV 17

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One adult roosting to west of nest this morning NOV 17

1831 posts
We arrived a liitle before 9 AM and found one adult eagle in the melaleucas to the west of the nest tree. It stayed put for about a half hour. No other adult seen. The FWC signs make it pretty clear that no one should be observing from the south side of the road.

Eagle Head:

Eagle roosting:

FWC Sign:

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Re: One adult roosting to west of nest this morning NOV 17

285 posts
Nice eagle shots, Ken. The watchers that have spoken to me at the nest upon seeing the new signs are extremely disappointed, to say the least. Anger might be closer to their true feelings. They feel that the eagles are not bothered by our watching and felt so much a part of the Pines Eagles story last year. They also feel there may have been other/better solutions if public safety is the main concern. For everyone to have to watch from the sidewalk on the north side of Pines makes them say they will not be back....and that is a shame. If that was a desired consequence of the signs, then perhaps sadly that result will occur.
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Re: One adult roosting to west of nest this morning NOV 17

Jill W
222 posts
In reply to this post by NewMexiKen
Very nice photos, Ken and Trisha!  Thanks for sharing.

I know that I will not be on the road for 90 minutes very often, like I did last season, so that I can see practically nothing from the north side of the road.

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Re: One adult roosting to west of nest this morning NOV 17

Jill W
222 posts
I'm so upset about this, I keep waking up very angry tonight.

I think I will check into some legal aid agency (I can't really afford to hire a private attorney) to find out if there is anything that can be done about this.  I feel as a longtime Broward County resident and tax-payer, I should have the right to observe and photograph nature taking it's course in my county.

Too bad my parents who were both attorneys are not still practicing.  My father is deceased and my mother retired about 7 years ago.

My parents hardly ever talked to me about things to do with the law, so I'll have to do some research to find out if a class-action suit or something similar to that would be the way to go.
