One eaglet was out on branch Wednesday March 16 (Video)

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One eaglet was out on branch Wednesday March 16 (Video)

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Mary Lou and I visited the nest for about 45 minutes around 9:00 AM. No adults were present, and the eaglets were usually alert and looking about.

The eaglets are about 8 1/2 to 9 weeks old. The larger one briefly walked out on a main branch about 1-2 feet to right and above the nest. She flapped her wings a bit and returned. We can expect increased branching and "helicoptering" during the next two weeks or so, until they take their first free flights at about 12 weeks of age-- around the end of March or the first week of April.

I took a short video (best if viewed full screen in HD. Video may not display if you are reading this post in your e-mail program-- you must navigate to the FORUM using the link at the bottom of your message). It's tough to get clear shots of the nest. I apologize for the intervening vegetation.