Photos from Trisha

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Photos from Trisha

Trisha has had trouble uploading photos that she took today, and she asked me to post these. Her narrative is also included:

When the male seemed to be finished eating, his offspring moved in and began to eat the torn pieces of prey. The eaglet perched high on the thick tree limb on the left did not come down to eat until his "father" left. Perhaps not enough room in the nest!

On the right (below) the male is narrower. Tom noticed this year that he has a brown tip on one of his outer tail we call him Brown Tip. Last year we also noticed that he has a narrow stripe of white on his chest.

After they perched together for around 15 minutes, the female took off suddenly as the male watched her flight.

The female flew through the nest woods and landed on a high branch near the top of the nest tree where she could keep a close eye on her brood.

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Re: Photos from Trisha

Mike Fossler
Something to check next time - be sure while your on the screen to compose your message that the blue "Login" link at the upper right corner doesn't appear. Although your name may show there, you may need to log in. Once logged in, the "Insert Image" option appears - else it will not appear. MF
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Re: Photos from Trisha

Thanks for posting Ken and thanks Mike for the idea. I think I am signed in as the avatar by my name is there. Several friends who have looked at this old Mac computer say there is some kind of a wall that prevents the photos getting into the Forum.......maybe because they go on Flickr or something first. I'm going to keep trying!
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How to insert photos from FLICKR

Trisha, if the photos are already on Flickr, it is very easy to post them here. You simply use the "copy from the Internet" option in the "Insert Image" link for the message box on this Forum. The image MUST be in <.jpg> format. You cannot link directly to the URL for the Flickr image as it appears in your photostream, as this is NOT <.jpg>

Follow these steps:

Click on the desired photo, which provides a menu at top of photo
Select "All Sizes" to display choices of several <.jpg> images
Choose the Medium size
Below the chosen image, there are two boxes with code-- choose the second box (2. Grab the photo's URL)
Copy the entire URL that appears in the box and simply paste it into the "Copy from Internet" in the "Insert Image" link above the FORUM message box.

Since I do not have access to the image sizing codes on your or other peoples' photostreams, I used a workaround to get the jpg files that I posted for you earlier. I simply right-clicked on the photo and chose "copy image location"-- this provided me with the URL for the jpg file. Alternatively, you can choose "view image" and this will open the image in a new window, and you can copy the url from the address field of the new page. This may produce an image that does not have as high resolution as is obtained by choosing the medium size as described above.

Hope this helps!