Picture of possible fifth eagle at nest tree yesterday

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Picture of possible fifth eagle at nest tree yesterday

Tom Mitchell sent this note and pictures. This immature eagle has rather extensive white on its head and tail, and its beak and eyes are quite yellow, suggesting it may even be a 3 year old. Sorry about large image size-- my laptop does not have a decent image editor.


Tom said:

Please look at these pictures and let me know what you think, this eagle was flying around with one of the juveniles and then landed at the very top left of the nesting tree.It looks like a 2-3 year old to me.

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Re: Picture of possible fifth eagle at nest tree yesterday

I tried to make the picture smaller so everyone can enjoy it.  I hope it doesn't bother you.


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Re: Picture of possible fifth eagle at nest tree yesterday

lisa baumbach reardon
In reply to this post by NewMexiKen
there have been rumors of eagles nesting in Dade county- coudl it be form this group???