Pines Boulevard resurfacing Pre-Construction meeting

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Pines Boulevard resurfacing Pre-Construction meeting

Major resurfacing of Pines Boulevard will take place, beginning around February 14 and extending into the winter of 2011. At a pre-construction meeting on January 27, the contractor provided assurances of measures to be taken to avoid undue disturbance to the eagle nest during breeding season.

An excerpt:

Bold (sic) Eagle: The topic of preservation of wild life habitat was discussed in length.

There is an active Bald Eagle nest that is located within the project limits on the south side of roadway. As per contract requirements, no construction work shall be conducted during eagle nesting season, from October 1st through May 15th, between station 44+00(west of 209 Ave) and station 57+20(east of 208 Ave).

Contractor was advised that No staging or stockpiling equipment or materials will be permitted along the south side of Pines Blvd, between 208th and 209th Ave.

Antonio Piedra restated that no work is to be done on the restricted area (approximately 1200 ft.) during nesting season (October 1st through May 15th ), including milling/ resurfacing and sidewalk construction. There is a temporary fence marking the restricted area that will be adjusted during construction. Construction schedule is to include the above restrictions.

Fernando Ascanio, FDOT Construction Environmental Office and Lindsay Nester (FWC) stressed the point that no equipments should operate during the nesting season between 209th and 208th Ave.

(Full text of minutes may be obtained at this link)