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Proper and safe place to view the nest from

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Proper and safe place to view the nest from

8 posts
Just wanted to know if the eagles are being truly disturbed or harassed by people looking at the nest from the south side of the street? I understand that there would be a real problem if people tried to climb the fence or get closer than that, but if they are just staring up from the side walk, how much harassment is actually the nest experiencing? What is the difference between these people and those who stand on the median grassy area?

To a certain extent, I would imagine it would be safer for people to view the nest form the south side walk rather than the median.

I don't mean to challenge anyone's opinion. I just simply hope to get an clear answer from those members of the group who have been monitoring this nest from the start and have an understanding of its needs to survive.

Andres Leon
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Re: Proper and safe place to view the nest from

1831 posts
You raise a valid point. The adult eagles have become quite accustomed to human presence over the past 8 years that we have been observing the nest. Yet they do pay close attention when you approach the nest or their roost. They may not fly away, but they are in a heightened state of alert. The sidewalk was put in a couple of years ago to provide safe passage for pedestrians who commonly walked along the shoulder of the road. It was constructed during the non-breeding season and is now considered to be an "existing disturbance" that is technically not subject to the 330 foot restriction in the FWC guidelines. The roadway itself is such an "existing disturbance."

The fence was constructed at the request of the eagle watchers and was donated after several photographers and members of the general public walked up to the nest tree during breeding season. The parking restrictions on the south side of the road were instituted for the safety of observers (including small children and pets) who crowded along the shoulder and created a grave safety hazard. FDOT considered construction of a viewing area or platform but highway engineering principles require ample crash avoidance clearance along the sides of the highway, so this was not possible.

Complaints to the City about observers crowding along the fence in front of the nest led to complete prohibition of pedestrians on the south side of the street during breeding season. While I do feel that a noisy crowd would constitute an "unusual" disturbance that should be prohibited, the complete exclusion of pedestrians seems not necessary. However, the City has put up the signs and has the police power to enforce the restriction, so I urge all to comply.

We formerly viewed from the shoulder on the south side but this is now also prohibited. If watchers violate the restrictions and then cause other observers to call the City or the Police Department I fear that even the compliant nest watchers may be regarded as an unnecessary nuisance. The City could extend parking restrictions all the way down to the Post Office parking lot at 210th Avenue which would constitute a major inconvenience.

In sum, I recommend that eagle watchers not view from the sidewalk, but I urge others to use restraint when it comes to annoying the City or Police department by complaining. A polite reminder might be in order if people are creating a disturbance. Anyway, the viewing is actually better from the median than from sidewalk because of the width of the nest. The eaglets will be branching and helicoptering this week and we certainly do not want one of them to be startled and fall before ready for flight.    
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Re: Proper and safe place to view the nest from

8 posts
Thank you very much for your thorough explanation Ken.

I've been reading online from other locations that have similar scenarios and have found a few interesting details.




In essence, any activity that may disrupt the normal behavior of the birds at any time should be avoided, but as you said, the parents seem to be used to people watching them from the floor. I also agree that complaining too much to local authorities may cause more unintended consequences.

Thanks again.
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Re: Proper and safe place to view the nest from

1831 posts
Andres, thanks for the excellent resource documents. I will place links to them up in the FORUM header. I agree with your sentiments!
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Re: Proper and safe place to view the nest from

55 posts
In reply to this post by NewMexiKen
I completely agree with you, I really don't think the eagles are distrurbed by peoples quietly viewing them on the south side, that how its been before, I myself used to sit in the south side and the eagles seem not to be bothered.  I fear that complaining to the city is unecessary if people is quietly viewing the eagles,  I also go to the  ft Myers nest, the nest is located in a open pasture much more visible and closer with a low wooden fence separating the viewers from the eagles, and there are not bothered by us.  Saying this I do obey the new rules, but I have not seen the eagles disturbed even when others are at the south side.
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Re: Proper and safe place to view the nest from

64 posts
Hi there desiree, I'm a big fan of f.myers nest Ozzie and Harriet and E4, I'm agree with you if we r respectfull they will no feel in danger the f.myer nest as ours r very use to see people myself took picture in the past and this year in the side walk with joy in the pine tree that is close to the 200 something st and she even look at me and then ignore me she didn't even fly away after a few sec she ignore me, i would like to know what was the complain about with the city? why did it?
Hoping to see if this out season we can see our family eagle thru a cam i would love to see inside the nest!!!! and see them more close
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Re: Proper and safe place to view the nest from

55 posts
See their FB and you'll see why this discussion is being discussed.
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Re: Proper and safe place to view the nest from

70 posts
In reply to this post by photogeek72
I have been watching this nest since January of 2009.  In 2009, I would stand on the south side of the street by the STREET.  I would never cross the grassy area up to the fence where the sidewalk is.  Never.

But, in the past couple years, I now watch them from the median.  I never ever cross to the south side of the street any more where those orange barracades / cones are.  There is a good spot in the median that when the wind blows the tree, you get a good enough view.  I don't even park on the south side of the street anymore (over at that asphault area by the red light).  I park over on a grassy area on the north side where the turn lane is into that housing area.  (I know, probably illegal to park there but there are no signs and I am never far from my car.)

Last week when I was there, a woman and a child on a bicycle went by.  They were on that little sidewalk / pathway right in front of the fence.  They stopped at the approximate place the nest was, but then quickly went on their way.  People know the nest is there, but I have never seen anyone harass or climb or in any other way annoy the eagles.  But, I only go maybe once a week or less.

I would hate to think that any humans are disturbing this nest, either intentionally or unintentionally.  There have been a lot of eaglets produced from it, so something is keeping the breeding pair of adults coming back.  I hope to watch them for many more years.  
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Re: Proper and safe place to view the nest from

35 posts
In reply to this post by photogeek72
Yesterday I drove past the site, and someone was in a folding "Director's Chair" on the south sidewalk to the west of the nest (closer to the dead Melaleuca trees), looking up with binoculars.  This looked like a comfortable place to view from, that was far enough away from the nest not to disturb them.  Would this be considered a proper and safe place to view the nest?


-----Original Message-----
From: photogeek72 [via Bald Eagles of Broward County, Florida] <[hidden email]>
To: NancyB <[hidden email]>
Sent: Thu, Mar 13, 2014 11:52 am
Subject: Proper and safe place to view the nest from

Just wanted to know if the eagles are being truly disturbed or harassed by people looking at the nest from the south side of the street? I understand that there would be a real problem if people tried to climb the fence or get closer than that, but if they are just staring up from the side walk, how much harassment is actually the nest experiencing? What is the difference between these people and those who stand on the median grassy area?

To a certain extent, I would imagine it would be safer for people to view the nest form the south side walk rather than the median.

I don't mean to challenge anyone's opinion. I just simply hope to get an clear answer from those members of the group who have been monitoring this nest from the start and have an understanding of its needs to survive.

Andres Leon

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Re: Proper and safe place to view the nest from

1831 posts
Viewing from the sidewalk in front of the nest provides a good perspective and I'm sure that there are less overhanging pine needles covering the birds' heads. It is safer for the observer than viewing from close to the roadway, given all the distracted driving that is going on. I do not feel that it disturbs the eagles in any way and it is taking place from an "existing disturbance" as described in the FWC guidelines, so it is technically exempt from the 330 foot limitation (as is the Pines Boulevard roadway itself).

A noisy and unruly group of observers at that site could disturb the eaglets. This is a delicate time for them as they will start climbing out on branches and likely take their first flights during the coming week. Any action that might startle them and cause them to leave the nest prematurely, if it constitutes an "unusual" disturbance could be subject to Federal prosecution and fines if it could be proved that an eagle is killed or injured as a result.

However, the City of Pembroke Pines has prohibited pedestrian access with signs and this must be respected. The bottom line is that no one should observe from the sidewalk unless they obtain permission from the City.