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Request help collecting data

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Request help collecting data

Kelly Smith
27 posts
We are so fortunate to have a forum where dedicated and passionate wildlife enthusiasts can share their experiences relating to our Pembroke Pines Eagles. Thanks so much Ken, for making this possible!  I would now like to take advantage of this forum, and the passion of the public that uses it, to assist my students with collecting data on these eagles.  At the top of this page is a link to download an observational checklist that was created by my students at Silver Trail Middle School.  Our intention is to collect data about the affect of traffic on the adult eagles' proximity to the nest.  Unfortunately, with the current status of limited viewing areas, we anticipate difficulty in getting students out to the nest to make the observations.  Our hope is that the viewing public will be able to download checklists and fill them out whenever they visit the site.  The checklists are designed to record 30 minutes worth of observations, and can be scanned and emailed to me when completed, or dropped off at Silver Trail Middle School, located at the corner of 184th Ave and Sheridan Street. My email address is Kelly.Smith@browardschools.com.

Last year we completed a similar study.  Although we did not have the number of observations that we had hoped for, we were able to analyze over 60 hours of data. It was an exciting and stimulating opportunity for my students to work with "real data"  as they reinforced their skills of using the scientific method.  Additionally, it made a huge impact on their respect for wildlife and taught them that we all need to become stewards of our wild neighbors.  Our results were surprising.  We found that instead of frightening off the adults, as we had predicted, it appeared that the greater the traffic, the closer the eagles seemed to be located to the nest.  The students inferred that perhaps the eagles were staying near by the nest during times of high traffic due to concern for the offspring.  

This year, we are adding some interesting aspects to the checklist.  In speaking with Brian Mealey, our local Bald Eagle "guru", he indicated that the ability to record contact with, or "near-misses" with the power lines that are so close to the nest, would provide valuable information.  We have included this aspect into this year's checklist.  In addition, we added opportunities to record any similar contact with automobiles, another common hazard to the survival rate of young eagles.  With the public's help, my students hope to accumulate enough data regarding this year's breeding season, that we can analyze important information about the affect of human activities on these unique birds. All of the data that we collect during this study will also be forwarded to Lynda White, coordinator of Audubon's Eagle Watch Program.  If you would like to help collect data for us, you can assist in creating a permanent record of the progress of these eagles.

So how about it?  If you would like to help us with this valuable project, simply download a few copies of the checklist to carry in the car with you.  When ever you have a chance to stop by the nest, check off the appropriate information while you are there.  Then, you can either scan and email the checklist to me, or drop it by the school. The kids and I would greatly appreciate the help!  

Thank you!  
Mrs. Smith
7th Grade Science Teacher
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Re: Request help collecting data

1831 posts
I have placed a second link to the Silver Trails Middle School form right here at the top of the Forum.

Using Microsoft Word, I tried to make an "electronic" form that could be filled out directly on our computers and then be saved and e-mailed directly to Ms. Smith. However, i can't get it to work properly.

If anyone has the program and skills to create such a fillable form in either Word or (better, as it is cross-platform) Adobe Acrobat, it would make data collection much easier for all of us.

Of course, we still should print out a few copies to fill out in the field for entry when we get home, unless you have a Smart Phone!

Any offers?
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Re: Request help collecting data

1831 posts
Success-- I have produced an electronic data entry form-- see the second link above and on the main Eagle Nest Watch page.

Let's all pitch in and use the form for each 30 minute period of observation at the nest. This will provide the Silver Trails Middle School students with a more robust data set.

Just print out some hard copies to use in the field, and then enter the data using the electronic form at the second link. Save to your disk, then just send an e-mail to their teacher Ms Kelly Smith, at kelly.smith@browardschools.com