51 posts
I arrived around noon today; Al was already there. All chicks were seen. An adult quickly made a drop around 12:15, then flew to the favored tree to the east. It appeared that the chick farthest to the right ate most of whatever was left. Al and I were saying that maybe that one (that mainly hunkered down in) is the youngest chick. The one that stayed furthest to the left most of the time seemed to be the oldest, by the darkness of the feathers, as the one in the middle had more downy feathers still. The 2 on the left interacted, and the middle one got the favored spot on the very left. The bigger one seemed to be yelling at it, not liking to be stuck in the middle. So finally, he/she helicoptered over him/her to get the best spot back. Took a few hops on the large, angular branch on the left side, too. The adult flew off silently when I wasn't looking.