Saturday 11/21/15 Both Eagles at the Nest

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Saturday 11/21/15 Both Eagles at the Nest

Phil and I saw both eagles at the nest, they were eating a fish, once they finish they fixed the nest for a while and flew away in the North West direction. By the way I also saw one of the eagles on the nest early in the morning in P.P. Enjoy the pictures.
This is the nest from across the street It looks that the male is on the left.
 Close up. Male still on the left.
 Male perch on a branch.
 Female follow but behind the tree.
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Re: Saturday 11/21/15 Both Eagles at the Nest

Thanks, Luis! It appears they will definitely be breeding this season!
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Re: Saturday 11/21/15 Both Eagles at the Nest

Maria Rosa Drake
In reply to this post by LuisEagles
Great pics!!'