Watched the eagle nest this morning from 8:00 to 9:00 AM. The two eaglets were active. The older one (Honor) is 70 days old today.
In prior years the eaglets fledged at an average age of 75.5 days (Median ~73 days), about 7 days after branching or helicoptering was first reported. They often flap and hop for a couple of weeks before fledging. "Helicoptering" is characterized by remaining aloft for at least 2 or three wing beats. Today Honor did helicopter but no branching has been reported so far.
Glory is asking "How's the weather up there?"
Nest-mate Glory is submissive, which is a good sign as it minimizes fighting and chance of injury. Neither adult was in sight during my watch. Here, Glory is standing up behind Honor while she rests. He has much less white on his breast than his older (presumed) sister.
An American Kestrel was catching dragonflies by diving down from the tops of the trees next to the eagle nest.