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Sighting, cones, ...

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Sighting, cones, ...

Maria Rosa Drake
98 posts

On my way home around 5:30pm I saw a cherry picker right in front of the nest. I don't know if they were cutting branches in front of the nest or if this is for the potential webcam. There was a truck there as well. The orange cones have been placed to prevent cars from parking.

This morning 7am I saw an adult eagle in the maleleucas West of the nest.

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Re: Sighting, cones, ...

KellyHeffernan Proj Perch
51 posts

Any chance it was FPL doing routine branch maintenance near the power
lines?  Could it be unrelated to the eagles?

Regards - Kelly

Kelly Heffernan
SFAS's Project Perch
(978) 412-5313

> Hi,
> On my way home around 5:30pm I saw a cherry picker right in front of the
> nest. I don't know if they were cutting branches in front of the nest or
> if
> this is for the potential webcam. There was a truck there as well. The
> orange cones have been placed to prevent cars from parking.
> This morning 7am I saw an adult eagle in the maleleucas West of the nest.
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Re: Sighting, cones, ...

Maria Rosa Drake
98 posts
In reply to this post by Maria Rosa Drake

Neither the cherry picker nor the truck had any branding or names on them. So, I don't think it was FPL. It was right where the nest is.
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Re: Sighting, cones, ...

KellyHeffernan Proj Perch
51 posts
Hello All -

I'm writing this for Ken and will do my best to paraphrase and then he can
fix it later!

Ken said FPL, or their contractors, often do a lot of work right before
October 1st, which is the official start of Eagle breeding season.  It is
likely it is FPL trimming around those lines and they are very observant
of the guidelines and actually abiding by the guidelines by doing it now.

FPL's contractors might not have the FPL logo on the truck.

Thanks again for keeping the observations coming.

Regards - Kelly

Kelly Heffernan
SFAS's Project Perch
(978) 412-5313

> Kelly,
> Neither the cherry picker nor the truck had any branding or names on them.
> So, I don't think it was FPL. It was right where the nest is.
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> To start a new topic under CURRENT 2014-2015 Observations of Pembroke
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