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Sunday January 2 of the New Year 2011

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Sunday January 2 of the New Year 2011

Mike Fossler
136 posts
I arrived around 4:15pm to find Jill there observing the nest. There was an eagle on the nest which only showed its head now and then (photo attached). Later one of the pair appeared at the dead tree strand to the west. The timing was perfect as it was nearing sunset and I took quite a few photos with the fabulous clear-night sunset light (several photos attached). I was not able to clearly identify which was the male or the female. The birds were never together on the nest, nor did they change duty while I was there. MFOn the nest
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Re: Sunday January 2 of the New Year 2011

Mike Fossler
136 posts
A little closer crop on the nest
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Re: Sunday January 2 of the New Year 2011

Jill W
222 posts
In reply to this post by Mike Fossler
Very nice pictures, Mike!

It was so nice that another watcher showed up.  Thanks again for the little camera tutorial.  Because of that, I was able to get some pics of the bird in the dead tree to the W and crop it establish that (I think, but will have to confirm with Ken) the tail feathers show that it was the female.

It is OK with me to be alone there watching, but much more enjoyable when there is someone else for several reasons.  One, at least for me, I don't worry about my car and possible vandals when I walk to the dead tree area.  It is not possible, even with binoculars to see the car from that area.  Two, it is known at least at times, that two adults are in the area at the same time, one in the nest and one somewhere else in the area.  Three, to feel a little bit more safe personally being there.  And, four, to have someone with which to share the experience.

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Re: Sunday January 2 of the New Year 2011

26 posts
In reply to this post by Mike Fossler
Hi Mike, how's it going?  Nice pictures, I especially like the 2nd and last one (with the sky color).  I'm finally noting there is a particular tree they like to perch on toward the west.  If I'm not mistaken, they liked the same dead melaluca last year as well.  Hopefully we'll run into each other this season.  Cheers! Jim